Aaliyah vs Dalvina: Beat in a Bikini

The vicious Aaliyah destroyed the much smaller Dalvina on her debut. Not to be deterred, the sexy bikini model comes back, thinking if Aaliyah isn’t wearing boots, that stomped all over her poor little body, that she can turn the tables on the bigger, meaner bae. She’s assured both will be wearing only bikinis. For her part, Aaliyah laughs and tells her all it’s gonna do is to have her beat in a bikini. Dalvina shows a lot of spunk, attacking and surprising Aaliyah. She actually has the vicious one down and hurt for a bit but unfortunately, the brunette is able to overpower her. What happens next is a rough, dirty, and humiliating beatdown. Aaliyah wants to send a message and targets the most sensitive parts of Dalvina’s petit, sexy body. If we were surprised she came back after her first beating, sadly we’d bet a lot that we’ve seen the last of Dalvina at BaeFight.


16 Minutes


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