Natalia vs Kilo: Boat/Beach Fight
It was about a year ago when former best friends Natalia and Kilo had a major falling out that saw them have two brutal fights. In the second one, Kilo went crazy, using weapons to destroy Natalia, leaving her broken and bleeding on the floor. Now it seems Natalia has recovered and is looking for payback. This film is something we’ve never done before but something we hope can become a regular thing. Natalia invites Kilo to fight it out on a private island. On the boat ride there, Natalia does nothing but glare at Kilo. At first that amuses Kilo but after awhile she tells Natalia that they don’t have to wait to get to the beach. Natalia is anxious to get it on and the fight begins right on the boat! Then as they reach the island, they continue their brawl on the beach and in the water. The fight happens in close quarters and both baes are pummeled by each other as well as by the surf until one submits to her hated enemy. This is so unique, we hope you’ll enjoy it!
11 Minutes