Honey vs Lana: Piece of Cake

This film features the long awaited return of the Ukrainian beauty Lana Blade. Though they’ve never met, Honey is looking forward to the fight, saying she’s heard that the smaller bae is easy, that this will be a piece of cake. The dark beauty certainly does not stand on ceremony nor welcome Lana back, rather she almost immediately attacks. We’re not sure what sort of greeting Lana was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this as Honey simply dominates her. She puts her in a number of painful holds including a standing head scissors as the Ukrainian beauty is draped over the arm of the couch. Honey doesn’t let Lana even catch her breath as she takes her from move to move, showing the brunette what all she’s missed in the BaeFight Arena. Towards the end, Honey seems to focus on the sexy stomach of Lana with punches and a couple Iron Claws to her belly. After Honey makes her kiss her ass and takes her leave we have to think Lana is asking herself just why she came back.


18 Minutes


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